ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES A DISTANCIA & DISTANCE HIGHER EDUCATION. DISTANCE EDUCATION & INDEPENDENT LEARNINGTAU, of the USA < Global Virtual University > Member The United Nations Academic Impact in Action (read more click here).

Those students who speak only the English language, who wish to study our programs in English, all their communications must be done online (Online), write in English to [email protected]

Si usted trabaja en el campo profesional en el cual desea graduarse y tiene estudios previos y experiencia laboral comprobable de conformidad con nuestros requisitos de ingreso, le proporcionamos la oportunidad de estudiar en idioma español y completar a distancia (e-learning) los créditos faltantes hacia su pregrado, postgrado y postdoctorado, los certificados y el enriquecimiento personal.

Estos programas de estudio se gestionan íntegramente en-línea mediante e-learning (en español; o en inglés) y por ello los estudiantes admitidos podrán realizarlo desde su país de residencia en idioma español o en idioma inglés. Los participantes de idioma español deberán tener un conocimiento del inglés a nivel lectivo o su disposición a perfeccionarlo. Toda la instrucción, ejercicios y exámenes se impartirán online en el idioma del estudiante. A cada estudiante se le asignará un asistente académico de enlace con el Academic Staff, que le asistirá en todo momento por correo electrónico.

Planes de Estudio: Tanto para el Bachelor, maestría, doctorado y post-doctorado, el Plan de Estudio es prescrito por la facultad en el proceso de admisión en función del curriculum vitae, categoría de admisión y necesidades de formación. Si no aparece a continuación >>>, para solicitar un plan de estudio bien sea de un pregrado, postgrado o post-doctorado que no aparece en la website, escriba a [email protected]  y adjunte una síntesis curricular o llene la aplicación de pre-admisión online haciendo clic aquí.

TAU  ofrece la más amplia gama de especialidades y grados (título universitario) en : Biology, Parasitology & Medical Entomology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Mathematics, Physics, Geology, Ecology, Etiology, Forestry, Computer Science, Agriculture Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Quality Engineering Technology, Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum Engineering Technology, Petroleum Technology,  Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Informations Technology, Computer Information Systems, Naval Science, Data Base Management, General Science, Management Information Systems, Safety Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Safety Management, Information and Communication Technology, Fire Protection Technology, Engineering Management, Maintenance Engineering, Electrical Technology, Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geological Engineering, Geology/Sedimentation, Quality Engineering Technology, Applied Information Technology, Safety Engineering, Gas Engineering and others. Si su especialidad no aparece, haga clic aquí para acceder a la lista de todas especialidades ofrecidas y  afines. 


Bachelor´s degree:

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Technology, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Technology, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Geology, Requeriments.
Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering, clik here.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Engineering, click here
Bachelor of Science in Maintenance Engineering, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, clik here.
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering Technology, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Technology, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Quality Engineering Technology, click here.
Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering, click here.

Bachelor of Science in Applied Information Technology (BSAIT), click here.
Bachelor of Science in Applied Science and Technology (BSAST), Requeriments.
Master´s degree:

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - Structures, click here.

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - Highroads, click here.

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, click here.

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, click here.

Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering - Production Engineering, click here.

Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering - Drilling Engineering, click here.

Master of Science in Applied Science and Technology (MSAST), Requeriments.

Master of Science in Applied Information Technology (MSAIT), Requeriments.

Doctoral Programs, click here

Doctor of Science in Biology - Parasitology & Medical Entomology, Requeriments.

Doctor of Science in Civil Engineering, click here.

Doctor of Science in Environmental Engineering, click here.

Doctor of Science in Environmental Science, click here.

Doctor of Science in Information Systems Engineering, click here.

Doctor (PhD) in Computer Science, click here.

Doctor(PhD) in Environmental Studies, click here.

Doctor of Science in Systems Engineering, click here.

Doctoral Program (PhD) in Gas Engineering, click here.

Doctor (PhD) in Pharmacy, Requeriments. 

Doctor (PhD) in Systems Engineering, click here.

Doctor (PhD) in Mathematics, click here.

Post-doctoral Program, click here.

Asignaturas de Pregrado / Undergraduate Subjects click here.

ACADEMIC DIRECTOR: Dr. J. R. Rivas, Ph.D. & EdD  [see Brief Bio]

Para SOLICITAR ADMISIÓN o una evaluación y orientación gratuita, haga clic aquí y siga las instrucciones.

Respuestas a las preguntas frecuentes, haga clic aquí.