Nuestros programas de estudios se gestionan íntegramente en-línea mediante e-learning (en español; o en inglés) y por ello los estudiantes admitidos podrán realizarlo desde su país de residencia en idioma español o en idioma inglés. Los participantes de idioma español deberán tener un conocimiento del inglés a nivel lectivo o su disposición a perfeccionarlo. Toda la instrucción, ejercicios y exámenes se impartirán online en el idioma del estudiante. A cada estudiante se le asignará un asistente académico de enlace con el Academic Staff, que le asistirá en todo momento por correo electrónico.
Asignaturas de Pregrado / Undergraduate Subjects *
* Los contenidos de las Asignaturas o Programas Sinopticos, son detallados en la fase de admisión. Si las asignaturas del pregrado de su interés, no aparecen incluidas a continuación, escriba a > [email protected]
1.401 Accounting
1.402 Cost Accounting
1.403 Financial Statement Analysis
1.404 Budget
1.405 Financial Mathematics
1.406 Finance
1.407 Legal and Tax Legislation
1.408 Introduction to the Administrative Sciences
1.409 Educative Administration
1.410 Theory and Practice of Management
1.411 Economy
1.412 Business Administration
1.413 Human Resources Management
1.414 Theory of Behavior and Organization
1.415 Law
1. 416 Marketing
1. 417 Strategic planning
1.418 Didactics
1.419 Curricular Planning and Development
1.420 Health and Early Education
1.421 Community Education
1.422 Investigation methodology
1.423 Curricular and Instructional Assessment
1,424 Child and Adolescent Development
1.425 Introduction to Educational Sciences
1.426 Sociology of Education
1.427 Philosophy of Education
1.428 Community Development
1.429 Topography
1.430 Materials and testing
1.431 Structures
1.432 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
1.433 Computer-aided design
1.434 Literary Readings
1.435 Communication Techniques in English
1.436 Composition
1.437 Orthophony
1.438 Contemporary Themes
1.439 World Literature
1.440 English Speaking
1.441 French
1.442 German
1.443 Electronics
1.445 Electromagnetic Theory
1.446 Signal Analysis
1.447 Circuits
1.448 Computer Architecture
1.449 Digital Electronica Laboratory
1.450 Electrical Engineering
1.451 Introduction to Engineering
1.452 Thermodynamics
1.453 Fluid Mechanics
1.454 Gas Dynamics
1.455 Mechanics
1.456 Mechanics of solids
1.457 Materials
1.458 Energy and Processes
1.459 Mechanical and Materials
1.460 Principles of Chemical Engineering
1.461 Graph Programming
1.462 Computer Organization
1.463 Operating Systems
1.464 Data Processing
1.465 Systems Models
1.466 Statistics
1.467 Operations Research
1.468 Calculation
1.469 Probabilities
1.470 Applied Statistics
1.471 Introduction to Metematics
1.472 Analysis of Numerical Calculations
1.473 Algebra
1.474 Differential Equations
1.475 Logical-Mathematical Education
1.476 Programming
1.477 Data Structure
1.478 Informatica applied to the Administrative Sciences
1.479 Informatica applied to Education
1.480 General Chemistry Laboratory
1.481 Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
1.482 Organic Chemistry
1.483 Physical Chemistry
1.484 Instrumental Analysis
1.485 Physics Laboratory
1.486 Western Penrose
1.487 Ethics
1.488 EnglishEnglishCultural Studies
1.489 North American Cultural Studies
1.490 Caribbean Cultural Studies
1.491 History of Political Ideas
1.492 History of Science
1.493 Applied Contemporary History (student's country)
1.494 Contemporary Universal History
1.495 History of Oriental Thought
1.496 Contemporary Universal History
2.401 History Seminar
2.403 Introduction to Philosophy
2.404 Philosophy of Science
2.405 Philosophy and Modernity
2.406 Seminar on Philosophy
2.407 Epistemology
2.408 Introduction to Political Studies
2.409 Political economy
2.410 Political Studies Seminar
2.411 History of Art
2.412 Art Seminar
2.413 Introduction to Musical Appreciation
2.414 Music history
2.415 Poetry
2.416 Vanguard Literature
2.417 Music Seminar
2.418 Introduction to Literature
2.419 Literature Seminar
2.420 Introduction to Sociology
2.421 Socio-Economic Development
2.422 Seminar on Sociology
2.423 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
2.424 The Man and the Cosmos
2.425 Seminar on Anthropology
2.426 Introduction to Psychology
2.427 Interdependence: Thinking and Learning
2.428 Advanced English Skills
2.429 German Cultural Studies
2.430 French Cultural Studies
2.431 Numerical Operation
2.432 Discrete Mathematics
2.433 Linear algebra
2.434 Basic Reasoning
2.435 General Chemistry Laboratory
2,436 General Chemistry
2.437 Natural Sciences
2.438 Origin and Formation of the Earth
2.439 Energy and Environment
2.440 Introduction to Astronomy
2.441 Competency Development
2.442 Integral Intelligence
2.443 Oratory
2.444 Leadership
2.445 Human and Partner Relationships
2.446 Emmental Intelligence
2.447 Social Leadership
2.448 Self-awareness for Achievement
2.449 Biodanza
2.450 The Body as a Space for Creation
2.451 Human Sexuality
2.451 Management of Irrigation in Civil Defense
2.452 Physical training
2.453 Yoga
2.454 Language Processes
2.455 Musical Appreciation
2.456 Coral
2.457 Artistic Drawing
2.458 Jazz
2.459 Theater
2.460 Thought and Culture
2.461 Greek Mythology
2.462 Photography
2.463 Introduction to Computing
2.464 Poetry
2.465 Film Workshop
2.466 Financial Accounting
2.467 Capture and Placement Instruments
2.468 Pensions and Retreats
2.469 Capital Market
2.470 Banking Management
2.471 Banking Legislation
2.472 Financial Information Systems
2.473 Trust Fund
2.474 Seminar Banking and Finance Topics
2.475 Chair of Management Experiences
2.476 International Business
2.477 Economy
2.478 Negotiation
2.479 Quality Management Systems
2.480 Treasury and Risk Management
2.481 Investment Analysis and Portfolio
2.482 Products Derivatives
2.483 Fixed Income Instruments
2.484 Financial Simulation
2.485 Financial Engineering
2.486 Business Administration
2.487 Accounting
2.488 Human Resources Management
2.489 Marketing and Sales
2.490 Strategic management
3.401 Individual, Group and Organization
3.402 Principles of Financial Management
3.403 Introduction to Consultant skills
3.404 Business Training and Development of Entrepreneurial Capacity
3.405 Public Finances
3.406 Organization of Production
3.407 Evaluation of Projects
3.408 Management Information Systems
3.409 Market Research
3.410 International Marketing
3.411 International Finances
3.412 Marketing Planning
3.413 Management Topics Seminar
3.414 Advertising Management
3.415 Consumer Behavior
3.416 Recruitment and Staff Selection
3.417 Introduction to Insurance
3.418 Insurance and Reinsurance Companies
3.419 Management in Expansion
3.420 Economic Policy for Managers
3.421 E-Commerce
3.422 New Products Launch
3.423 Distribution and Sales Management
3.424 International Trade
3.425 Knowledge Management
3.426 Management and Leadership for Competitiveness
3.427 Investigation Methodology
3.428 Educative Administration
3.429 Educational Planning
3.430 Psychomotor Education
3.431 Didactics
3.432 Pre-school Evaluation
3.433 Teaching Reading and Writing
3.434 Instructional design
3.435 Technology of Educational Evaluation
3.436 Curricular planning technology
3.437 Instructional Design Technology
3.438 Curriculum and Instructional Assessment Technology
3.439 Psycholinguistics
3.440 Education and Diversity
3.441 Child and Adolescent Development
3.442 Creative Expression Workshop
3.443 Child and Adolescent Development
3.444 Physical Education and Recreation Teaching
3.445 Plastic Arts
3.446 Playful Expression
3.447 Special education
3.448 Teaching Practices
3.449 Teaching Essay
3.450 Social Sciences
3.451 Education and Sustainable Development
3.452 Optimization
3.453 Geotechnics
3.454 Routes of Commitment
3.455 Structures
3.456 Hydrology and Road Drainage
3.457 Concrete
3.458 Environmental engineering
3.459 Steel
3.459 Construction Management
3.460 Flooring Analysis and Design
3.461 Elemental Seismic Engineering
3.462 Pathology and Structural Evaluation
3.463 Dynamics of Structures
3.464 Planning, Coordination and Execution of Civil Works
3.465 Civil Works Maintenance
3.466 Building Facilities
3.467 Housing and Habitat
3.468 Organization and Legal Regulation of the housing sector
3.469 Economic and Financial Factors in the Housing Sector
3.470 Design, Construction and Maintenance of Houses
3.471 Housing Project Management
3.472 Introduction to the Research Process
3.473 Translation
3.474 Business English
3.475 Topics of German Culture
3.476 Topics of French Culture
3.477 Topics of British Culture
3.478 Topics of American Culture
3.479 Topics of Caribbean Culture
3.480 Japanese
3.481 Literary Translation
3.482 Translation
3.483 Automatic Translation
3.484 Projects Formulation
3.485 Advanced Legal Translation
3.486 Review of Texts
3.487 Legal Translation
3.488 Technological resources for the Translator
3.489 Applied Pragmatics
3.490 Audiovisual Translation
4.401 Specialized Translation
4.402 Translation of computer texts
4.403 Liaison Interpretation
4.404 Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
4.405 Teaching Strategies for English as a Foreign Language
4.406 Planning and Evaluation of the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
4.407 English for Specific Purposes
4.408 Fundamentals of Psychology
4.409 Theory of Language Acquisition
4.410 Linguistics
4.411 Discourse Studies
4.412 Power System
4.413 Electric machines
4.414 Door to Earth Systems
4.415 Protection Systems
4.416 Control
4.417 Industrial Control
4.418 Programmable Automata
4.419 Communications
4.420 Telecommunications Systems
4.421 Digital signal processing
4.422 Principles of Robotics
4.423 Transmission Systems and Media
4.424 Radiocomunication
4.425 Control Laboratory
4.426 Network Systems
4.427 Industrial Automation Applications
4.428 Management Information Systems
4.429 Internet Topics
4.430 Decision making
4.431 Computer Networks
4.432 Business Consulting Systems
4.433 Quality Systems
4.434 Introduction to Environmental Management
4.435 Environmental law
4.436 Economy and Environment
4.437 Technology and Environment
4.438 Environmental Planning
4.439 Turbomachinery
4.440 Power Generation
4.441 Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering
4.442 Mechanical design
4.443 Vibrations
4.444 Special Design Topics
4.445 Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering
4.446 Manufacturing processes
4.447 Pumps
4.448 Compressors
4.449 Internal combustion engines
4.450 Piping and Accessories Design
4.451 Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
4.452 Economic engineering
4.453 Production Systems
4.454 Quality assurance
4.455 Productivity and Labor Measurement
4.456 Maintenance
4.457 Industrial plants
4.458 Planning and production control
4.459 Reengineering and Benchmarking
4.460 Logistics and distribution
4.461 Transfer Phenomena
4.462 Thermodynamics
4.463 Transfer Phenomenon Laboratory
4.464 Separation Processes
4.465 Laboratory Separation Processes
4.466 Chemical Reactors
4.467 Plant Design
4.468 Control of Chemical Processes
4.469 Evaluation of Chemical Projects
4.470 Petroleum refining
4.471 Water treatment
4.472 Environmental engineering
4.473 Introduction to Process Simulation
4.474 Lubricants and Fuels
4.475 Petrochemical Processes
4.476 Corrosion
4.477 Food Analysis
4.478 Food Processing
4.479 Polymers
4.480 Introduction to Separation Processes
4.481 Network Systems
4.482 Database
4.483 Information Systems
4.484 Optimization
4.485 Stochastic Processes
4.486 Simulation
4.487 Software Engineering
4.488 Corporate Systems
4.89 Support Systems
4.90 General Systems Theory
5.401 Business Informatics
5.402 Management Consulting
5.403 Project Planning and Control
5.404 Company and Technology
5.405 Systems Audit
5.406 Multimedia Systems
5.407 Network administration
5.408 Network Design
5.410 Programming on the Internet
5.411 Operating Systems Seminar
5.412 Security and Cryptography
5.413 Computer Vision
5.414 Neural Networks
5.415 Emerging Computing
5.416 Robotics
5.417 Market Research Models
5.418 Business Logistics
5.419 Chaos Theory
5.420 Marketing Optimization
5.421 Decisions, sales and forecasts
5.422 Artificial intelligence
5.423 Operations Research
5.424 Stochastic Processes
5.425 Differential Geometry
5.426 Topics of physics and Astrometrics
5.427 Methods of Physics and Mathematical Engineering
5.428 Geometry
5.429 Theory of the numbers
5.430 Graph Theory
5.431 Logical-mathematical education
5.432 Mathematical Education
5.433 Advanced Programming
5.434 Fundamentals of Instructional Technology
5.435 Principles of Audiovisual Communication
5.436 Instructional Technology Workshop
5.437 Evaluation and management of change in the instructional development process
5.438 Using the Internet for Instruction
5.439 The computer as a Means of Teaching-Learning
5.440 Instructional Design and New Technologies
* Los contenidos de las Asignaturas o Programas Sinopticos, son detallados en la fase de admisión. Si las asignaturas del pregrado de su interés, no aparecen incluidas a continuación, escriba a > [email protected]