1.- The student must first send by e-mail to [email protected] a proposal with a minimum of three possible qualifications for his Degree or Thesis, to be approved the most appropriate one. the level of studies and specialization, indicating in the cited proposal, which of the titles would be the subject of their preference and the reasons or motivation for it.
2.- Once the previous point has been approved, you must send the SPECIFIC DEGREE WORK PROPOSAL, as indicated below, which will also be subject to the consideration and approval of the Faculty of the University.
3.- Once approved the two previous points, the student must proceed with the development of the Degree Work in accordance with the guidelines prescribed in this document and send the draft electronic version to the Academic Staff (by e-mail - in Word version) for your Evaluation.
4. - Once the University issues the rigorous evaluation report, it must incorporate the suggestions, if any, and present the final version (electronic) by e-mail, if applicable.
5. - Once the thesis has been approved, the student should only send by e-mail in Word file, the electronic version Approved, carefully revised and / or corrected.
Students who plan to develop their thesis with an extensive number of pages are thanked as close as possible to a maximum of 100 pages, without including the preliminary pages and reference materials and remember that these works should be a personal product, represent a valuable contribution to the field of study and demonstrate autonomy of intellectual and scientific criteria, critical, analytical, constructive capacity, in a systemic context and the theoretical and methodological domain of scientific research designs.
Remember that the final review of the research reports and the thesis that will be submitted to the University should always be done carefully in a printed version (Quick Draft) and that only once satisfied with its structure, content, writing, type of letter compulsory (New Roman times 12 or 14) and form of compliance with the methodology and research protocol of Tau and APA, is when the student must print the original of the document in full color mode, and submit it for evaluation to the University.
The proposal must not exceed 10 pages, in a single space and with Times New Roman 12 points. The order of the research proposal in TAU, will be as follows:
1. Name of the University and the Program
2. Title of the proposal (the one approved by the University, Point 1 of Steps for the Thesis)
3. Author (a): student's first and last name
4. Oath "I hereby swear and bear witness that I am the sole author of this Preliminary Draft and that its content is the fruit of my work, experience and academic research" (mandatory).
5. Signature (mandatory)
6. Place and date
7. General Index
9. Summary of the Proposal (including tentative index for the structure of the Thesis)
10. Problem Statement
10.1 Statement
10.2 Formulation of the Problem
11. Justification
12. Objective of the Work
12.1 General Objectives
12.2 Specific Objectives
13. Theoretical Framework
14. Methodology to be used
15. Schedule of activities (mandatory)
16. References, which include the printed, audiovisual and electronic that you plan to consult.
17. Budget (if applicable)
See an example of a Thesis Proposal, visiting the following link
It is important that the thesis student can access the THESIS PROPOSAL MODEL, mentioned above, which is a basic and general guideline for its writing, which includes almost all the items, form of presentation and sequence to be considered for its preparation. and presentation. NOTE: it is a literal translation, any doubt or question writes to [email protected]
a-. THE THESIS (Degree Work): The subject and content of the thesis is decided by the student according to our Academic Direction ([email protected]). The presentation of the thesis of a minimum of 50 pages is the final requirement of evaluation for the Bachelor; 70 for the Master; and 90 for the Doctorate and Postdoctorate, not including the preliminary pages and the reference materials.
b-. The doctoral and postdoctoral thesis should be an original, substantial contribution to the knowledge or understanding of the field under study and demonstrate the student's ability to conceive, design and complete independent research. Original and unpublished, it must reflect the humanistic and scientific education of the author (a).
The Master's Thesis or degree work must be a research that delves into the field under study or presents it in a critical or novel way. Original and unpublished, it must reflect the humanistic and scientific education of the author (a).
The thesis (or Special Work) for the undergraduate level will be aimed at further deepening the subject of specialization, for example, finance, management, statistics, etc. Original and unpublished. It may consist of applying professional knowledge and techniques. Improve methods. Proposal of a novel proposal or the systematization of a process or the combination of these aspects.
We would like to thank the thesis students who plan to develop their thesis with a greater number of pages, preferably to fit approximately as close as possible to a maximum of 100 pages, without including the preliminary pages and the reference materials.
c-. THE THESIS or Degree Work: It is conceived as the application, extension or deepening of the knowledge acquired in the corresponding program. It consists in the systematized study of a theoretical or practical problem, or an effort of creation that demonstrates the mastery in the area of the mention of the specialty and of the scientific research methods of the same. The project can be a research project or a compilation project. Research project: The objective is to bring something "new" to the discipline. Compilation project: The objective is to collect all existing "literature" on the same subject. The student must show that they have studied everything with great depth. In the case of doctorate and postdoctoral studies, it must include significant contributions in line with these high levels of graduation.
We consider:
Research as the process of knowing reality. We consider Scientific Research as the most formal, systematic and intensive process to carry out the scientific method of analysis. Scientific research is a process that, through the application of the scientific method, seeks to obtain relevant and reliable information to understand, verify, correct or apply knowledge. Systematically ordered process, whose objective is the demonstration of hypothesis or the confirmation and development of theories. Knowledge: Process by which man reflects (by means of concepts, laws, categories, etc.) in his brain the characteristic conditions of the surrounding world. One of the ways that man has to give meaning meaning to reality. Scientific knowledge: Systematic knowledge of reality, that is, taking into account the stages of observation, discovery, explanation and prediction. Stages of the Scientific method: 1) Perception of a difficulty. 2) Identification and definition of the difficulty. 3) Proposed solutions for the problem (hypothesis). 4) Deduction of the consequences of the proposed solutions and 5) Verification of hypotheses through action.
Types of research. Depending on the level of it, it can be: exploratory, descriptive or explanatory. According to its design it can be: documentary, field or experimental; and according to its purpose or external objectives, it can be: pure or basic or applied
Index of Figures and Graphics (if applicable)
Summary (Abstract).
In the case of postgraduate or postdoctoral studies, in addition to the abstract or abstract in Spanish, it is mandatory, followed by its translation in the English language.
CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM OF THE INVESTIGATION 1.1. Statement of the Problem 1.2. Justification of the investigation 1.3. Objectives 1.3.1. General Objectives 1.3.2. Specific Objectives 1.4. Scopes 1.5. Limitations
CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. Referential Framework and Background 2.2. Theoretical Bases: (include subdivisions as necessary according to the topic)
CHAPTER 4: METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK 4.1. Type of Research 4.2. Sample design 4.3. Instruments 4.4. Procedure 4.5. Analysis and interpretation of data
CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1. On a theoretical level 6.2. On a practical level.
The aforementioned prototype must be adjusted according to the type of project (research or compilation), since according to this, some items may vary or be deleted.
As for the Recommendations at the Theoretical level and at the Practical level in the Thesis, these are optional. Since if the researcher considers the need or possibility of including RECOMMENDATIONS in the Thesis, to solve problems raised in direct relation with the Conclusions of the same, these should allow to suggest what to do with the discoveries and / or contributions that have theoretical and practical foundation inferred from the investigation of the problem.
Depending on the case of each investigation, the recommendations can be broad and general and specific in specific cases. They are formulated to solve the situation posed by what should be feasible for application and should include:
1) Aspects that should be further worked to complete or extend the completed investigation
2) Possibilities to solve the problems raised in the concluded investigation
3) Necessary conditions to introduce the results of research into production or social practice. Being able to divide:
AT THEORETICAL LEVEL (those that have to do with the set of knowledge or theory treated in the research).
AT A PRACTICAL LEVEL (those concerning practices, processes, procedures, experimentation, etc ... treated in the research).
The logo of the University that the student must use for the presentation of their academic works, is the one that appears on the first page of this document. Wishing you the best of the successes in the study program.
We remain at your service, do not hesitate to contact us.
TAU Academic Direction