Design and statistical analysis of agricultural experiments using SPSS

Ángel Gómez Degraves
Kariné Gómez Marquina
  • SPSS


This text emphasizes the strategies for the design, data analysis and interpretation of results of agricultural experiments and offers the key aspects to be taken into account by any person who plans and executes an agricultural experiment with the support of the SPSS program.

The user profile of this text ranges from people with different undergraduate degrees in the area of Agriculture, whatever their profession, to aspiring Masters, whenever they wish to improve the Quality in the performance of an agricultural experiment, through statistical thinking and reasoning. Most of the texts of Experimental Designs (ED), deal with the topics in a wide way and with advanced theoretical elements, we consider of relevant importance to know the statistical theoretical foundations of the ED; however, we have decided to make this contribution with an introductory text, very simple, practical, friendly and easy to read and understand, trying to use equations and their explanation in the simplest way and with the pleasant use of the SPSS program.

It is necessary to mention that the figures, dialog boxes and results are presented as they are presented in the SPSS program. We should clarify that we do not present all the SPSS procedures for each example; what we emphasize most is the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of each ED. On the other hand, SPSS version 23 is used.



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