Dr. Jesús R. Rivas Zabaleta 

Prof JR Rivas, Ed.D., PhD. President  / Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Chancellor of Tecana American University (TAU), of the United States, is a recognized professional of business administration, behavioral sciences, educator and consultant of vast expertise on these four areas. His vast teaching experience began in 1981 embracing: contents research, professor at degree level, postgraduate and postdoctoral professor, tutoring of special degree works, academic consultant, academic director and international executive director. Received a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, ANU American University (USA), also obtained an MBA and at the same university obtained a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in 1981. Studies of Laws in Commercial Law, 2001. Master of Science in Organizational Psychology, (U.K.); in 2002 received a Doctorate of Education with a major in Guidance and Counseling, (USA). 2004-2007 Postdoctorate Program in Higher Education Administration (Tecana American University).

Doctor of Education (EdD) with a major in Theology, Counseling and Adult Education, Tau Divinity University, March, 2020. Fort Lauderdale, FL. United States. Professional Life and Holistic Coaching, NLP, Ericksonian Therapy, Gestalt and Cognitive Behavioral, Mindfulness.

Dr. Jesus Rivas, is an Individual Member of the Florida Distance Learning Association (FDLA), an affiliate of the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

Dr. Jesus Rivas (University Professor | Executive Legal Analysis & Business Ethics | Notary Public-.) is  Member of  the Legal Writing Institute (LWI). 

Business Intelligence, Organization, Management and Strategy Consultant.

Member of the EPALE community! (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe).

2016 Dr. J. R. Rivas has been nominated for the Europe Business Assembly Prestigious International award in education sphere “Manager of the Year” (The official edition of European scientific, business and creative elite).  More Info / Invitation.   Programme.

Nominated for the Europe Business Assembly Prestigious International Award in the field of science and education and invited to join the Oxford Rectors'Club (The Club of the Rectors of Europe CRE) - 2013. More info ...

2004 - Diploma in Human Rights Law (PGD) | 2013- Pro Se Litigant Course. | 2016 Student of the Paralegal Immigration Program.

1984-1994 Studies of Psychoanalysis and Continuous Medical Education. Strategic Psychotherapist (Post-Graduate). Credentials in Naturopathic (ND) & Homeopathic Medicine (1992), Studies of Science in Alternative Medicine. Has over 20 years experience in Holistic General Practice. Homeopath. Associate Member of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH).

Dr. JR Rivas,  former individual member of ICDE (International Council For Open And Distance Education, from 2011 to 2019 International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization in formal consultative relations with UNESCO and serves as the global membership organization for online, open and flexible education. ICDE is committed to the new global sustainability development goal: «Education 2030: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all». ICDE, focusing on higher education, provides a global network for institutions, associations and individuals involved in this area. ICDE's Permanent Secretariat and headquarter is based in Oslo.

Official Representative of TAU at AIEA- Association of International Education Administrators - (June 2012-2016).

Official Representative of TAU at WCET.WICHE.EDU (2002- June 2012) - Wiche Cooperative for Educational Technologies -.

Member of ADEIL (Association for Distance Education and Independent Learning) - formerly AACIS - (2002-Present).

Member of  WFA (Western Finance Association) .

2010 - Member of ED.gov Open Innovation Portal (U.S. Department of Education).
Member of MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching).
Affiliated HASTAC Member. (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory), desde 2012.

1974-1997 Carried out advanced studies in Banking, Systems Analysis, Information Systems-Computer Science, General Bank Management and Executive Legal Analysis, areas where he developed important careers at commercial banks occupying top managerial positions for more than 25 years.

From very young Dr. Rivas, knew the educational environment, his mother was an educator and director of public schools. Also his two aunts who were very close from his infancy, were educators of profession. His father devoted himself to the commercial activity.


See Academic Staff

The second from left to right, Dr. JR. Rivas, PhD (1981), receiving the UNIVERSITAS Order on April 16, 1985, PhD graduates, USA. 

See Dr. J. R. Rivas, biography in LinkedIn.

See Dr. J. R. Rivas, biography in HASTAC.